Actors: Alex Lifeson

Alex Lifeson 81248
Jméno:Alex Lifeson
Datum narození:1953-08-27
Místo narození:Fernie, British Columbia, Canada
Výška:1.83 m
IMDb ID:nm0509820

Bertie Gilbert je režisér a scenárista žijící v Londýně. Je průkopníkem nové vlny mladých filmařů a časopis Dazed ho nedávno zařadil mezi "pět nových Wesů Andersonů". V roce 2016 byl také součástí Dazed 100, "definitivního seznamu tvůrců, kteří formují kulturu mládeže". Jeho pochmurně náladové nezávislé filmy sleduje globální online komunita stovek tisíc věrných diváků. Mezi jeho významné úspěchy patří krátký film Blue Sushi, který financovala společnost Google. Film si vysloužil značnou chválu v digitálním i lineárním světě. V roce 2016 vytvořil krátký film "Let it Be", který na YouTube nasbíral téměř milion zhlédnutí. V roce 2017 vytvořil film "Playground", který financovala společnost Newform Digital Rona Howarda. V roce 2018 dokončil svůj nejnovější krátký film 'Stomping Grounds' s Billem Milnerem v hlavní roli, který získal značnou festivalovou pozornost. V současné době pracuje na několika celovečerních projektech. Životopis z IMDb

  • He uses "Lifeson" as a stage name. It's a semi-literal translation of his surname "Zivojinovich" which is a Serbian name meaning roughly "son of life." He has not, however, changed his name legally.
  • Alex, along with fellow members of Rush Geddy Lee and Neil Peart, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in April 2013. His acceptance speech consisted of a made-up language with only one word, "Blah", that told the story of their wait to become inductees.
  • Children: Justin and Adrian.
  • On February 26, 1997, he and his bandmates Geddy Lee and Neil Peart became the first rock musicians to be inducted into the prestigious position of Officers of the Order of Canada. This is the highest honor bestowed upon a civilian by the Canadian government. According to the Ottawa Sun, "The award was given as much for their community service as for their contribution to the arts. They have raised over $1 million for food banks and the United Way."
  • Member of the rock music group Rush (with Geddy Lee and Neil Peart). Plays lead guitar, with Lee on Bass/Vocals/Synth and Peart on Drums/Percussion/SongWriting.
  • Performed with Rush for 450,000 people as part of the Toronto SARStock relief benefit, alongside major bands including AC/DC and The Rolling Stones. Rush was one of the few native Toronto bands to perform at this historic event to herald Toronto's graceful endurance of the SARS scare. (July 2003)
  • "Contents Under Pressure: 30 Years of Rush at Home and Away" is released. It is an authorized biography of the band, written by Martin Popoff. (June 2004)
  • Alex, Geddy and Neil are back in the recording studio working on Rush's new album to be released early 2007. (November 2006)
  • Los Angeles, CA, USA: Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the band Rush. (April 2013)
  • With Rush, released "Feedback", an EP containing 8 cover songs. This marks the first Rush release wherein the band performs songs other than their own. After "Feedback", Rush embarked on a highly successful Thirtieth Anniversary Tour ("R30" for short). On this tour, the band performed some of the cover songs live -- also a first for them. (June 2004)
  • His birthday (August 27) is also the anniversary of the death of Stevie Ray Vaughan.
  • Hot on the heels of their triumphant 2002 tour, 2003 DVD, and benefit performance for 450,000 at the 2003 SARS benefit, Rush has announced plans to commemorate the 30th anniversary of their current lineup with a celebratory tour. Planned shows include their first visits to Europe since 1992. (December 2003)
  • Played bass on fellow Canadian band Platinum Blonde's follow up album Alien Shores.
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