Actors: Angus Macfadyen

Angus Macfadyen 2464
Jméno:Angus Macfadyen
Datum narození:1963-09-21
Místo narození: Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Výška:1.80 m
IMDb ID:nm0005171

Angus Macfadyen (narozen 21. září 1963) je skotský herec. Je známý především díky roli Roberta Bruce ve filmu Statečné srdce (1995) a Jeffa ve filmové sérii Saw.

  • Speaks French fluently.
  • Was once engaged to Catherine Zeta-Jones.
  • Played Robert the Bruce in two films: Braveheart (1995) and Robert the Bruce (2019).
  • His father was a doctor in the World Health Organization, which explained the moving around to different places when Angus was a child.
  • Appeared with Brian Cox a number of times, including his first film The Lost Language of Cranes (1991) and Statečné srdce (1995).
  • Attended the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland and the Central School of Speech and Drama, London, England
  • Is one of only two British actors to play 'Orson Welles', the other being Christian McKay.
  • He has two roles in common with Laurence Olivier: (1) Olivier played Crassus in Spartakus (1960) while Macfayden played him in Spartakus (2004) and (2) Olivier played Zeus in Souboj Titánu (1981) while Macfayden played him in Iáson a argonauti (2000).
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Datum vydání
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Saw 3 2006 64%
Saw 4 2007 62%
Saw 6 2009 63%