Actors: Chloë Grace Moretz

Chloë Grace Moretz 56734
Jméno:Chloë Grace Moretz
Datum narození:1997-02-10
Místo narození:Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Výška:1.63 m
IMDb ID:nm1631269

Chloe Traicos se narodila a vyrostla v Zimbabwe. Její otec je mezinárodní kriketová hvězda John Traicos a matka Annette Kileffová je umělkyně. Chloe žila v Zimbabwe až do roku 2005, kdy byla nucena opustit zemi poté, co natočila kontroverzní dokument o vůdci země Robertu Mugabem. Ve svém dokumentu Chloe vystupuje ve prospěch zimbabwského lidu, který je již léta pronásledován a strádá. Přestože musela zemi opustit, získal Chloein dokument (s příznačným názvem "Cizinec v mé zemi") řadu ocenění po celém světě. Chloe poté se svými rodiči a sestrou emigrovala do Austrálie. V Austrálii Chloe natočila oceňovaný nezávislý film "I Wish I Were Stephanie V", který v roce 2011 zahajoval Mezinárodní filmový festival v New Yorku a měl zvláštní promítání venku na Times Square. Od té doby se Chloe přestěhovala do USA, kde pokračuje v natáčení filmů. IMDb Mini životopis Chloe Chloe R. R. Jacobsová

  • Was considered for the role of Katniss Everdeen in Hunger Games (2012), which was later taken by Jennifer Lawrence.
  • Performed on Saturday Night Live Korea--entirely in Korean.
  • Prefers to be called Chloë Grace rather than just Chloë.
  • Managed to fool Martin Scorsese with her faux English accent when she auditioned for Hugo a jeho velký objev (2011).
  • Voiced the entire character of Penny in Bolt: Pes pro každý případ (2008) before Disney hired Miley Cyrus to do the role.
  • She and Sheryl Lee spent time in a rehabilitation center for drug addicts in preparation for their roles in Texaský kat (2011).
  • Has four older brothers: Brandon Moretz, Trevor Duke-Moretz, Colin Moretz and Ethan Moretz. Trevor has served as her acting coach. She also acted alongside her brother Colin in At vejde ten pravý (2010).
  • When 3:15 zemřeš (2005) premiered, she was not allowed to see the movie because she was too young.
  • In an interview with "Entertainment Weekly" in 2010, she revealed that a member of the press had stolen her iPad and hacked into her personal Twitter and Facebook accounts.
  • She had to walk on and dangle from the top of a 60-foot-high house for 3:15 zemřeš (2005), and only had a couple of wires and a harness holding her. She was cautious at first, but according to director Andrew Douglas, she began to think it was fun within an hour.
  • Was a model before she became an actress.
  • Daughter of McCoy Lee Moretz (b. Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia), plastic surgeon, and heir to the Moretz hosiery business, bought out in 2011 for $350 million, and wife Teri Duke, nurse practitioner.
  • She loves sports including gymnastics, football, ice hockey, basketball and ballet. She also loves to swim and play with her dogs.
  • Credits growing up with four older brothers as helping ease her into the action genre with Kick-Ass (2010) and Kick-Ass 2 (2013).
  • Has a tattoo on her right thigh featuring the letters "T-B-T-K-C-E" going vertically. Each letter representing a name of a family member. T for Teri (her mother), B for Brandon, T for Trevor Duke-Moretz, K for Katie (Chloe's older sister who died shortly after birth), C for Colin, and E for Ethan.
  • Her parents divorced after her father walked out on her family when she was a young child.
  • She is a StarPower Ambassador for the Starlight Children's Foundation.
  • She would like to work with: Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Denzel Washington and Johnny Depp.
  • By the time she was 17 she had starred in seven remakes: 3:15 zemřeš (2005), Oko (2008), Jack and the Beanstalk (2009), At vejde ten pravý (2010), Temné stíny (2012), Carrie (2013) and Equalizer (2014).
  • She spent the entire winter of 2010 living in London filming Hugo a jeho velký objev (2011).
  • Her ancestry includes German, English, and smaller amounts of Swiss-German, Scottish, and Welsh.
  • In September 2010, she announced that she had signed on to play the leading role of Emily in a film adaptation of the long-running "Dark Horse" comic, Emily the Strange.
  • On March 27, 2012, MGM announced that Moretz had been officially cast as Carrie White in the reboot of the 1976 film of the same name, Carrie (1976). Prior to the announcement, Moretz had been one of two remaining actresses, alongside Haley Bennett, in contention for the role, after Shailene Woodley had declined.
  • One of her favorite movies is Snídaně u Tiffanyho (1961), and Audrey Hepburn is one of her favorite actresses.
  • Named her dog Fuller after 3:15 zemřeš (2005) producer Brad Fuller, and her dog Missy after her character Chelsea "Missy" Lutz.
  • Began a relationship with model Kate Harrison [December 2018].
  • She loves comedy movies, especially the Pravá blondýnka (2001) movies.
  • She says she loves to be in Manhattan but, if she were to move to New York, she would prefer to live in Brooklyn.
  • Was in attendance when her Carrie (2013) co-star Julianne Moore received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on October 3, 2013.
  • Younger sister of actor Trevor Duke-Moretz. Trevor is also her acting coach and often travels with her to film sets.
  • Her only older sister, Kathleen Janette Moretz, was born February 1, 1988, and died the very next day.
  • Has a cat named Zoe.
  • On April 15, 2011, she announced via YouTube and Twitter that she had signed on to the Tim Burton film Temné stíny (2012). She will go back to London in May 2011 to begin filming where she will star as Carolyn Stoddard.
  • Has a dog named Salem.
  • Got to read lines with Renée Zellweger during her Prípad císlo 39 (2009) screen test.
  • She is an avid gamer.
  • Was considered for the role of Lilith Sullivan in Prípad císlo 39 (2009), which went to Jodelle Ferland.
  • Distant female line descendant of Scottish Peerage.
  • Her favorite ice hockey team is the New York Islanders.
  • Is a supporter of LGBT equality.
  • Her favorite spanish phrase is "Oh Dios Mio".
  • She is a staunch Democrat and campaigned heavily for Hillary Clinton in her 2016 presidential bid.
  • She identifies as a feminist.
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