Actors: Chris Greene

Chris Greene 1622086
Jméno:Chris Greene
Datum narození:1982-11-04
Místo narození:Mount Vernon, New York, USA
Výška:1.85 m
IMDb ID:nm2444298

  • Was voted "Most Talented Person" by all of his fellow classmates during his last year of high school (2000).
  • Started learning how to play the drums at eight years old.
  • Bowling is one of his favorite activities.
  • Is the youngest of four siblings, two brothers and two sisters. The sibling nearest to him in age is one of his sisters, who is 12 years older than him.
  • He became an uncle at the age of 4.
  • Became a member of Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity Inc. in the spring of 2002 at Winston Salem State University.
  • Has bowled a perfect 300 game.
  • Was named after the late Christopher Reeve.
  • Enjoyed going through Military and S.W.A.T training for a project so much that he decided to continue training with then co-star, Robyn Shute, even after the project fell through. Because Robyn had prior experience with firearms training, he learned as much from her as possible before going on his own to obtain his concealed carry weapons permit! He now goes to the gun range as often as he can stating that, "It is a great stress reliever!".
  • Him and his daughter, Zoé (B. 2010), share the same birthday, November 4th. Chris was born at 1:22a.m. and his daughter at 3:46p.m.
  • He named his daughter Zoé after actress Zoe Saldana.
  • Began coaching Actors in 2013.
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