Actors: Cliff Curtis

Cliff Curtis 7248
Jméno:Cliff Curtis
Datum narození:1968-07-27
Místo narození:Rotorua, North Island, New Zealand
Výška:1.84 m
IMDb ID:nm0193295

Clifford Vivian Devon Curtis (narozen 27. července 1968) je novozélandský herec. Natočil filmy jako Byli jednou jedni bojovníci (1994), Tři králové (1999), Training Day (2001), Whale Rider (2002), Collateral Damage (2002), Sunshine, Live Free or Die Hard (oba 2007), Temný kůň (2014), za který získal cenu Asia Pacific Screen Award za nejlepší herecký výkon, Doktor Spánek (2019), Avatar a Avatar: Cesta vody (2022). Mezi jeho televizní role patří seriály Trauma stanice NBC a Body of Proof a Missing stanice ABC. V letech 2015 až 2017 ztvárnil Travise Manawa v hororovém seriálu Fear the Walking Dead na stanici AMC. Je spolumajitelem nezávislé novozélandské produkční společnosti Whenua Films.

  • Though he's Maori, he's only played a Maori in a couple of movies, including Whale Rider (2002). He has been cast as many other dark-skinned ethnicities, having played, among others, Mexican-Americans, Colombians, Arabs, Persians, and Chechens.
  • Is one of nine children.
  • Filmed his part as Pablo Escobar in Blow in just three days.
  • While filming Whale Rider (2002) he would approach Rawiri Paratene in the mornings and annoy him in order to keep them both in character.
  • Is in two separate films entitled "Fracture," playing a detective in both.
  • Member of the 'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' (AMPAS) since 2016.
  • Nephew of Maori educator and leader Toby Curtis.
  • Almost missed his flight from Auckland, New Zealand, to Los Angeles en route to Mexico to film Kokain (2001).
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Datum vydání
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Doktor Spánek od Stephena Kinga 2019 72%
Meg 2: Příkop 2023 66%