Actors: Craig Brown

Craig Brown 142117
Jméno:Craig Brown
Datum narození:
Místo narození:
Výška:1.83 m
IMDb ID:nm1792608

  • Winner of the first ever Mike Myers award for recognition of outstanding comedic talent.
  • A graduate of The Second City Conservatory.
  • Former member of the sketch comedy duo "Bull Hooey", with fellow Sketchersons member Inessa Frantowski.
  • Gained 25lbs. for his role of "Annoying Boyfriend" in the short film Boyfriend Latte.
  • Performed at the Toronto Just For Laughs Festival in 2008 with sketch troupe, The Sketchersons.
  • Performed at the Toronto Just For Laughs Festival in 2009 with sketch troupe, Bull Hooey.
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Datum vydání
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Vicious Fun 2021 66%