Actors: David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg 224
Jméno:David Cronenberg
Datum narození:1943-03-15
Místo narození:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Výška:1.75 m
IMDb ID:nm0000343

David Paul Cronenberg, CC, OOnt, FRSC (narozen 15. března 1943 v Torontu, Ontario) je považován za nejvlivnějšího a mezinárodně uznávaného kanadského filmaře. Cronenberg významně ovlivnil kanadskou žánrovou kinematografii. Přezdívá se mu "Baron krve" a "Král pohlavního hororu" a svými kontroverzními horory posouval hranice. Jeho jedinečný styl "body horrorů", mezi něž patří filmy "Shivers" (1975), "The Brood" (1979), "Scanners" (1981), "Videodrome" (1983), "The Fly" (1986), "Dead Ringers" (1988), "Naked Lunch" (1991) a "Crash" (1996), zaujal diváky svým podnětným zkoumáním složitého vztahu mezi sexem, technologií a násilím. Cronenbergův přínos filmovému průmyslu byl oceněn řadou cen a vyznamenání, včetně titulu Companion of the Order of Canada, Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et Lettres de France a členství na kanadském chodníku slávy. Získal 10 cen Genie Award a byl oceněn na prestižních mezinárodních filmových festivalech, stejně jako obdržel ceny za celoživotní dílo Governor General's Performing Arts Awards, Canadian Screen Awards, na filmovém festivalu v Cannes a na filmovém festivalu v Benátkách. Cronenberg byl dvakrát ženatý: nejprve v letech 1970-1977 s kameramankou Margaret Hindsonovou, s níž měl dceru Cassandru Cronenbergovou (nar. 1972), a poté od roku 1979 až do její smrti v roce 2017 s kameramankou Carolyn Zeifmanovou, s níž měl syna Brandona Cronenberga (nar. 1980) a dceru Caitlin Cronenbergovou (nar. 1984).

  • Was offered the chance to direct Star Wars VI: Návrat Jediů (1983) but he declined.
  • Turned down the chance to direct RoboCop (1987).
  • Costumes in his films are usually designed by his sister Denise Cronenberg.
  • Turned down the chance to direct Top Gun (1986).
  • Has admired bugs and insects since childhood. This fascination has lingered on, and can be felt through many of his films.
  • Deferred his own salary to make Spider (2002).
  • He once said that Scanners (1981) was the most frustrating directing job he'd ever had.
  • Was set to direct Total Recall (1990). He even wrote a few drafts of the script before Paul Verhoeven took over.
  • Upon meeting Cronenberg in the 1980's, Martin Scorsese confessed to admiring the director's work but having been scared to meet him as a result of it. Cronenberg replied, "You made Taxi Driver and you were afraid to meet me?".
  • John Carpenter paid homage to him in Útěk z New Yorku (1981). One of the United States Police Force guards is on the line with Hauk, then adds that Cronenberg is on the line for him. Another person paid homage to in the movie was George A. Romero, who had Isaac Hayes's right-hand man named after him.
  • Has directed 2 actors to Oscar nominations: William Hurt (Best Supporting Actor, Dejiny násilí (2005)) and Viggo Mortensen (Best Actor, Východní přísliby (2007)).
  • His regular cinematographer until 1988 was Mark Irwin until Dead Ringers (1988), on which Irwin was unable to work because of his commitment to The Blob (1988). Cronenberg then hired Peter Suschitzky, who became his regular cinematographer, and Cronenberg and Irwin have not worked together since then.
  • His father was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and his mother was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. All of his grandparents were Lithuanian Jewish immigrants. His father, who died at age 61, was a bookstore owner and sometime columnist for The Toronto Telegram ( 1876 - 1971 ). His mother was a piano rehearsal accompanist for the Canadian National Ballet.
  • President of the 'Official Competition' jury at the 52nd Cannes International Film Festival in 1999.
  • Has often referred to The Brood (1979) as his own twisted version of Kramer vs. Kramer (1979).
  • His crew referred to the final Brundlefly monster seen in the climax of Moucha (1986) as the Space Bug.
  • Cites Winter Kept Us Warm (1965) as his inspiration for becoming a filmmaker. It was screened at the University of Toronto when he was a student.
  • Directed an episode of Friday the 13th: The Series (1987), The Services, called Faith Healer. 13 years later, he appeared in the Friday the 13th film (unreleated to the series), Jason X (2001).
  • Inducted to Canada's Walk of Fame in 1999.
  • His father was a journalist and his mother played the piano. These roles are reversed in Moucha (1986), in which Jeff Goldblum plays the piano to impress Geena Davis, who plays a journalist.
  • At one point he was in line to direct The Singing Detective (2003), with Al Pacino in the lead.
  • Father of Caitlin Cronenberg, Brandon Cronenberg, and Cassandra Cronenberg. Brother of costume designer Denise Cronenberg. Uncle of Aaron Woodley.
  • Although he has done most of his filmmaking in the Canadian film industry, since Rabid (1977) he has cast non-Canadians in the top billed roles of his films.
  • Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 75th Venice International Film Festival in 2018.
  • He spent about a year in 1971 in the small medieval village Tourrettes-sur-Loup, France, possibly in the commune, trying to become a novelist.
  • He was awarded the 2002 Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee Medal from the Canadian Governor General. He lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • President of the jury at the 18th Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF), which took place in Switzerland from July 6-14, 2018.
  • Profiled in "American Classic Screen Interviews" (Scarecrow Press). (2010)
  • He was awarded the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Medal from the Canadian Governor General. He lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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