Actors: David Duchovny

David Duchovny 12640
Jméno:David Duchovny
Datum narození:1960-08-07
Místo narození:New York City, New York, USA
Výška:1.83 m
IMDb ID:nm0000141

David William Duchovny (narozen 7. srpna 1960) je americký herec, scenárista a režisér. Je známý především díky roli Foxe Muldera v seriálu Akta X a Hanka Moodyho v seriálu Californication, za obě role získal Zlatý glóbus Duchovny se narodil v roce 1960 v New Yorku. Je synem Margaret "Meg" (rozené Millerové), správkyně školy a učitelky, a Amrama "Amiho" Duchovnyho (1927-2003), spisovatele a publicisty, který pracoval pro Americký židovský výbor. Jeho otec byl Žid z rodiny, která se přistěhovala z Ruského impéria a Polska. Jeho matka je luteránská emigrantka ze skotského Aberdeenu. Jeho otec vypustil h ve svém příjmení, aby se vyhnul chybám ve výslovnosti, s nimiž se setkával během služby v armádě. Duchovny navštěvoval Grace Church School a The Collegiate School For Boys; obě školy se nacházejí na Manhattanu. V roce 1982 absolvoval Princetonskou univerzitu, kde získal bakalářský titul z anglické literatury. Byl členem Charter Clubu, jednoho z univerzitních stravovacích klubů. V roce 1982 získala jeho poezie čestné uznání za vysokoškolskou cenu Akademie amerických básníků. Název jeho diplomové práce zněl Schizofrenní kritika čistého rozumu v Beckettových raných románech. Duchovny hrál jednu sezónu basketbal za juniorský univerzitní tým jako střelec a středopolař za univerzitní baseballový tým. Na Yaleově univerzitě získal titul Master of Arts v oboru anglická literatura a následně začal pracovat na doktorátu, který dosud nebyl dokončen. Název jeho nedokončené doktorské práce zněl Magie a technologie v současné poezii a próze. Na Yaleově univerzitě byl žákem populárního literárního kritika Harolda Blooma. Duchovny se 6. května 1997 oženil s herečkou Téou Leoniovou. V dubnu 1999 se Leoniové narodila dcera Madelaine West Duchovny. Jejich druhé dítě, syn Kyd Miller Duchovny, se narodil v červnu 2002. Duchovny je bývalý vegetarián a od roku 2007 je pescetarián. Dne 28. srpna 2008 Duchovny oznámil, že se přihlásil do rehabilitačního zařízení pro léčbu závislosti na sexu. Dne 15. října 2008 vydali Duchovnyho a Leoniho zástupci prohlášení, z něhož vyplynulo, že se před několika měsíci rozešli. o týden později Duchovnyho právník uvedl, že Duchovny hodlá žalovat deník Daily Mail kvůli článku, který v něm vyšel a v němž se tvrdilo, že měl poměr s maďarskou tenisovou instruktorkou Edit Pakayovou, když byl ještě ženatý s Leoniovou, což Duchovny popřel. Dne 15. listopadu 2008 Daily Mail své tvrzení odvolal. Poté, co se Duchovny a Leoniová dali znovu dohromady, se 29. června 2011 opět rozešli.

  • Was the first actor to win a Golden Globe for both TV Drama and TV Comedy and is still one of only two actors to accomplish the feat (Kelsey Grammer joined him in 2012).
  • Filed a $25 million lawsuit against the producers and syndicators of Akta X (1993) alleging he has been cheated of his contractual share of profits from the series.
  • Is a huge fan of Doctor Who (1963) and has expressed interest in appearing on the series as a villain.
  • Speaks French, Hebrew and Latin.
  • Checked himself into a rehabilitation center seeking treatment for sex addiction. Completed rehab on October 7, 2008. On October 15, David announced that he and his wife Téa Leoni had been separated for several months. In 2009, the couple was seen together again. In interviews in the following months Duchovny revealed that they had reconciled. (August 2008)
  • Very good friends with Nicholas Lea, who played his nemesis Alex Krycek on Akta X (1993).
  • Loves dogs. Hated making the scene where agent Mulder was being mauled by a dog and forced to attack the dog for Akta X: Chci uvěřit (2008).
  • His mother taught at Grace Church School in New York City and had a portion the building named after her when she retired.
  • Has an allergic reaction to metal which prevents him from wearing his wedding ring at times.
  • Made his film debut in Podnikavá dívka (1988), as one of the guests hiding in the bathroom at Tess McGill's surprise birthday party.
  • David's paternal grandfather, Moshe Duchovny, was a Jewish immigrant from Berdychiv (now in Ukraine, and part of the Russian Empire when he immigrated), while David's paternal grandmother was a Polish Jewish immigrant. David's father, Amram Ducovny, was a Brooklyn-born publicist for the American Jewish Commitee; he died on 23 August 2003 from heart disease. David's mother, Margaret (Miller), is a Lutheran immigrant from Scotland. David has a brother, Daniel Ducovny, a sister, Laurie Birnbaum, and a stepbrother, Jonathan Sahula. Duchovny mean primarily 'spiritual' in Russian, but it can also mean 'otherworldly' or 'ghostly'.
  • Had played scholarship-level basketball during some of his high school and college career. Had an accident while playing basketball in high school which damaged his right eye.
  • Was partially responsible for moving the filming of Akta X (1993) from Vancouver to California.
  • While at Yale University, he was classmates with Jennifer Beals, whom Duchovny suggested for a role on Akta X (1993) (which eventually went to Gillian Anderson).
  • He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Television at 6508 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on January 25, 2016.
  • Birthday is two days before Akta X (1993) co-star Gillian Anderson. He is eight years her senior.
  • Was ABD ("All But Dissertation") when he left Yale University, so he never actually received his graduate degree. The title of his uncompleted doctoral thesis was "Magic and Technology in Contemporary Poetry and Prose".
  • Daughter West Duchovny born April 24, 1999, second child son Kyd Miller Duchovny born June 15, 2002.
  • First celebrity guest to appear on the television premiere of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (2005) (January 3, 2005).
  • Was best man at Mitch Pileggi's second wedding.
  • Has played the same character (Fox Mulder) on five different series: Akta X (1993), Kocour Raplík (1992), Simpsonovi (1989), The Lone Gunmen (2001) and Milénium (1996) (also from Chris Carter).
  • Has appeared on the Celebrity edition of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (1999) in 2000. He was the first celebrity in the hot seat. He answered 13 questions correctly giving him $250,000 for his charity. However, he then answered his $500,000 incorrectly resulting in a $218,000 loss and he left with $32,000.
  • His last name means "spiritual" in Slovak and Czech languages.
  • He does a very good impersonation of Jeff Goldblum, as demonstrated during his appearance on Saturday Night Live (1975).
  • Chosen by People (USA) magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World (1996).
  • Is the only cast member of Akta X (1993) to host Saturday Night Live (1975).
  • Childhood friends with Jason Beghe. When he married Téa Leoni, Beghe was his best man.
  • Started off by acting in soft porn films.
  • Is a die-hard fan of the New York Yankees.
  • His last name (spelled as: duchowny) means "a clergyman" in Polish.
  • Was the subject of the song "David Duchovny" by Bree Sharp.
  • Former boyfriend of Maggie Wheeler.
  • He kept three dogs and four cats as a child.
  • Celebrated his 10th birthday on Erraid, a small island off the west coast of Scotland.
  • Former boyfriend of Perrey Reeves.
  • Is known to be a huge sports fan, and has appeared on MTV's "Rock n' Jock Softball Game".
  • Friends with actor Ron Eldard.
  • Stayed in 411 Witherspoon Hall his freshman year at Princeton University.
  • His father who was a public relations executive and his mother,Meg split when he was 11.
  • Uncle of twin boys Gabriel and Luca (born May 2004), sons of his sister Laurie and brother-in-law Michael Birnbaum.
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