Actors: Leo Bill

Leo Bill 29237
Jméno:Leo Bill
Datum narození:1980-08-31
Místo narození:Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Výška:1.83 m
IMDb ID:nm1095324

Leo Martin Bill is an English actor, best known for his role as James Brocklebank in the 2006 film The Living and the Dead, as well as The Fall, Alice in Wonderland, and the FX/BBC One drama series Taboo. He is son of actors Sheila Kelley and Stephen Bill.

  • Graduated in 2001 from R.A.D.A.
  • Studied A' Level Drama at Stratford Upon Avon College between 1996 and 1998
  • Leo was part of Playbox Theatre Company, a young people's theatre company in Warwick.
  • In 2009, he played Norman Lloyd - a real man still very much alive (as he still is in 2020) - in "Me And Orson Welles". The real Lloyd was derisive about both his performance and the film, dismissing both as nonsense.
  • He is the son of Sheila Kelley and Stephen Bill, 'Honky' and 'Finger' from Mike Leigh's 'Nuts in May' (1976).
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