Actors: Malcolm McDowell

Malcolm McDowell 56890
Jméno:Malcolm McDowell
Datum narození:1943-06-13
Místo narození:Horsforth, Yorkshire, England, UK
Výška:1.74 m
IMDb ID:nm0000532

Malcolm McDowell je anglický herec s více než čtyřicetiletou kariérou. McDowell je známý především díky svým rolím v kontroverzních filmech Caligula, If...., O Lucky Man! a A Clockwork Orange. Díky své herecké všestrannosti se objevil v mnoha filmech a televizních seriálech různých žánrů, například v Tank Girl, Star Trek Generations, seriálu Naši přátelé ze severu, Entourage, Heroes, Metalocalypse, animovaném filmu Bolt a remaku Halloweenu z roku 2007 a pokračování Halloweenu II z roku 2009. Je také známý jako vypravěč zásadního dokumentu The Compleat Beatles z roku 1982.

  • As a schoolboy, Malcolm was so bored having to listen to long, tedious speeches by minor local dignitaries at official school functions, when he became a star, he took his revenge. Asked to give the keynote speech at Cannock School's annual Open Day in 1969, he flew all the way from the United States to attend. Before a packed assembly, he simply announced "I hereby pronounce this Open Day open" and sat down.
  • His performance as Alex DeLarge in Mechanický pomeranč (1971) was ranked 100 on the list of the "100 Greatest Film Performances of All Time" and was ranked 68 on Premiere magazine's "100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time".
  • Was the first well-known actor to appear non-animated and in the flesh for Městečko South Park (1997) because he is one of Trey Parker's favorite actors and he was specifically requested. He appeared in a South Park parody of Charles Dickens' classic novel "Great Expectations", playing the narrator and simply calling himself A British Person (2000).
  • As he wanted to get into the SAG, he took his mother's maiden name McDowell because there was another British actor called Malcolm Taylor.
  • Has a fear of reptiles. When Stanley Kubrick learned this while shooting Mechanický pomeranč (1971), he introduced Basil, Alex's pet snake.
  • Claims Gangster No. 1 (2000) to be his best work since Mechanický pomeranč (1971).
  • His job as a coffee salesman provided inspiration for O Lucky Man! (1973).
  • When he went to meet with Stanley Kubrick for the first time, he had little knowledge of film and confused him with Stanley Kramer. In preparation, McDowell's friend and mentor, Lindsay Anderson, showed him most of Kubrick's films from Stezky slávy (1957) to 2001: Vesmírná odysea (1968).
  • His granddaughter Clementine Mae Walton was born in January 2012. Her mother is Malcolm's daughter Lilly McDowell Walton.
  • He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6714 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on March 16, 2012.
  • Is 24 years older than his wife Kelley McDowell.
  • In an interview, he said that a magazine named him "King of Punk" after his appearance in Mechanický pomeranč (1971). This is probably because of the punk references that appears in the movie, such as the droogies costume style.
  • Along with Sir John Gielgud and Michael York he is one of three actors to play both King Arthur and Merlin. He played King Arthur in Arthur the King (1983) and Merlin in Kids of the Round Table (1995).
  • Currently resides in Santa Barbara, California.
  • His first wife, Margot Bennett, was Keir Dullea's ex-wife. Keir was the main character in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: Vesmírná odysea (1968), while McDowell was the main character in Kubrick's next film, Mechanický pomeranč (1971).
  • Has said that his favourite actor of all time is James Cagney.
  • Born to Charles Taylor, a publican, and his wife Edna McDowell, a hotelier, he grew up with two sisters: Gloria (older) and Judy (younger).
  • Was captain of the rugby and cricket teams at his high school.
  • As he wanted to get into the British Actors' Equity, he took his mother's maiden name McDowell because there was another British actor called Malcolm Taylor.
  • On September 25, 2012, he was rushed to the hospital and had to undergo a 3 1/2-hour emergency surgery on his eye, for what was discovered to be a detached retina, which McDowell attributed to previous eye problems stemming while filming Mechanický pomeranč (1971).
  • Trained as an actor at the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA), the United Kingdom's oldest drama school.
  • Has appeared in four films involving time travel: Time After Time (1979), Star Trek VII: Generace (1994), Návštěvníci: Cesta do Ameriky (2001) and Experiment Philadelphia (2012). He auditioned for the role of Al Calavicci on the television series Zpátky do minulosti (1989), which would have made 5 times. There was a character in A Leap for Lisa - June 25, 1957 (1992) played by Roddy McDowall, who was not related (notice the difference in spelling of the last names).
  • 13 of his films were shown at retrospective tribute at New York City's Walter Reade Theatre, where he introduces the least known of these, The Connection (1961). (May 2002)
  • Was good friends with Christine Noonan and David Sherwin.
  • Has appeared in a scene in Mechanický pomeranč (1971) with David Prowse, who played Darth Vader in Star Wars. In 2014, he appeared in a cellular telephone commercial with James Earl Jones, who provided Darth Vader's voice. McDowell also appeared in Robot Chicken: Star Wars (2007).
  • Has worked with David Warner in Time After Time (1979). Both stars appeared in the very popular Star Trek series. Warner appeared in Star Trek VI: Neobjevená země (1991) and McDowell appeared in Star Trek VII: Generace (1994).
  • Has worked with Alice Krige in the psychological horror film She Will (2021). Both stars appeared in the very popular Star Trek series. McDowell appeared in Star Trek VII: Generace (1994) and Krige appeared in Star Trek VIII: První kontakt (1996).
  • As of 2018, has appeared in two films that were nominated for the Best Picture Oscar: Mechanický pomeranč (1971) and Umelec (2011). Of those, Umelec (2011) is a winner in the category.
  • He has appeared in one film that has been selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant": Mechanický pomeranč (1971).
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