Actors: Michael Smiley

Michael Smiley 17078
Jméno:Michael Smiley
Datum narození:1963-01-29
Místo narození:Belfast, Ireland
Výška:1.78 m
IMDb ID:nm0806968

Michael Smiley (nar. 1963) je severoirský komik a herec. Nejznámější je asi díky svým rolím ve filmech Seznam na zabití (2011) a Humr (2015).

  • Was a cycle courier before he moved into the entertainment business, where he is perhaps best known as a Stand-Up comedian.
  • Good friends with Simon Pegg.
  • His character Tyres in Spaced was based on him.
  • In 1993 he was a runner up at the So You Think You're Funny competition at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
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Datum vydání
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Cenzorka 2021 58%
Pojď za tátou 2019 59%
Sestra 2018 59%