Actors: Patrick Roper

Patrick Roper 3182528
Jméno:Patrick Roper
Datum narození:
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Výška:1.93 m
IMDb ID:nm6892410

  • Having learned to sew at an early age, he became a costume designer for a number of years and with a strong interest in his Celtic roots, he eventually ran a business as kiltmaker. He estimates that during his kiltmaking career he made between 2000-3000 kilts for people all over the world.
  • Having an adventurous streak and a love of nature, he has been dog sledding in the Yukon, rode camels in Dubai, photographed tigers in India, been on photo safaris in South Africa, Zambia, and Botswana, been horseback riding in Mexico and Iceland, walked and paddled through gator and snake infested swamps in Florida, photographed grizzlies in Montana, and cage dived with Great White sharks in Isla Guadalupe in Mexico.
  • Is a two time cancer survivor (adenocarcinoma & renal cell carcinoma) and is an advocate for cancer and body awareness. In fact, he was battling kidney cancer during the filming of Emperor. He went in to the audition with cancer, had surgery two days later, and got a callback two days after leaving the hospital. He still had staples and a Jackson-Pratt surgical drain in, so he strapped himself together with a back brace to stabilize his abdomen and went to the callback. After booking the role, he spent 6 weeks in bed recovering and doing research for the part. He even did his own stunts for the fight scenes. He stresses that he is only alive to this day, because he has made a point of being aware of what his body is telling him, getting regular check ups, and going to the doctor when anything seems off. The key to catching cancer is early detection and vigilance.
  • He is a cousin of U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson through his Great Grandmother. LBJ, who was an avid letter writer, wrote many letters to his family from both his Senate office and later The White House.
  • Loves being in the kitchen and is an accomplished cook.
  • Developed a strong interest in classical theatre and independent film from his parents who watched a lot of British television and took the family on vacations to Southern Oregon for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
  • Studied Scots Gaelic and Serbo Croatian for a couple of years.
  • Has traveled extensively and been to over 20 countries in the last several years.
  • Studied Hung Gar Kung Fu and Jeet Kune Do in his youth. He continues to practice many of the martial arts weapons he learned then.
  • Loves reading about history and going to historical places. Has a particular interest in 18th century history.
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