Actors: Roger Corman

Roger Corman 102429
Jméno:Roger Corman
Datum narození:1926-04-05
Místo narození:Detroit, Michigan, USA
Výška:1.88 m
IMDb ID:nm0000339

Roger William Corman (narozen 5. dubna 1926) je americký filmový režisér, producent a herec. Byl nazýván "papežem populárního filmu" a je znám jako průkopník ve světě nezávislého filmu. Mnoho Cormanových filmů je založeno na dílech, která již mají u kritiků vybudovanou pověst, jako například cyklus nízkorozpočtových kultovních filmů adaptovaných podle povídek Edgara Allana Poea. V roce 1964 se Corman - obdivovaný členy francouzské nové vlny a Cahiers du Cinéma - stal nejmladším filmařem, který se dočkal retrospektivy ve Francouzském filmovém institutu (Cinémathèque Française), stejně jako v Britském filmovém institutu a Muzeu moderního umění. Byl spoluzakladatelem společnosti New World Pictures, zakladatelem New Concorde a je dlouholetým členem Akademie filmového umění a věd. V roce 2009 mu byla udělena čestná cena Akademie "za jeho bohatou angažovanost pro filmy a filmaře". Corman byl mentorem a startovním učitelem mnoha mladých filmových režisérů, jako jsou Francis Ford Coppola, Ron Howard, Martin Scorsese, Jonathan Demme, Peter Bogdanovich, Joe Dante, John Sayles a James Cameron, a měl velký vliv na filmové hnutí Nový Hollywood 60. a 70. let. Pomohl také nastartovat kariéru herců jako Peter Fonda, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Bruce Dern, Sylvester Stallone, Diane Ladd a William Shatner. Corman příležitostně přijímal menší herecké role ve filmech režisérů, kteří s ním začínali, například Mlčení jehňátek, Kmotr - část II, Apollo 13, Mandžuský kandidát a Philadelphia. Výše uvedený popis je převzat z článku Roger Corman na Wikipedii, licencováno pod CC-BY-SA, plný seznam přispěvatelů na Wikipedii.

  • A running gag in Hollywood was that Corman could negotiate the production of a film on a pay phone, shoot the film in the booth, and finance it with the money in the change slot.
  • Corman, as a director and/or producer, is credited with starting and/or mentoring the careers of many now-famous film directors, such as Jonathan Demme, Francis Ford Coppola, Ron Howard, John Sayles, James Cameron, Joe Dante, and Martin Scorsese, and writers such as Robert Towne and John Sayles. He also discovered/gave early roles to then-unknown actors and actresses such as Jack Nicholson, Charles Bronson, Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Diane Ladd and Sandra Bullock.
  • His film The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) set a world's record for the shortest shooting schedule for a feature film...Two days!.
  • As an example of his influence in Hollywood, no Corman-produced movies were up for Oscars at the 1974 Academy Awards, but nearly every major category featured wins or nominations by "Corman School" graduates--those whom Corman had either started in the business or mentored early in their careers.
  • If he had to shoot a film on location, he would always try to shoot a second film at that same location in order to spread out the costs.
  • Frequently has cameos or bit parts in the films of many successful filmmakers who got their start working for him, such as Jonathan Demme, Joe Dante and Francis Ford Coppola.
  • Turned down the opportunity to direct Bezstarostná jízda (1969).
  • In the early years of the American Releasing Corporation (later American International Pictures), he became one of their major sources of product for distribution. He would be given a sum of money and an advertising campaign (or somethimes just a title) and he would have to come up with the scripts and produce the films.
  • Received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7013 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on June 12, 1991.
  • In the new decade of the 1960s, he decided that he wanted to do something that would advance his career. When American International offered him a sum of money to create another one of their low-budget black-and-white double features, he countered with an offer to use the same money to shoot a single feature in color and CinemaScope. American International finally agreed to this offer. It led to the production of The Fall of the House of Usher (1960). The gamble paid off and the film became a box-office hit and generated something that was unusual for an AIP release - critical praise. This was followed by what became known as Corman's "Poe series".
  • Although his films were notable for the flair and mobility with which he composed for widescreen, Corman revealed in "Cinema Retro" magazine (Issue #18) that he hadn't originally wanted to shoot his cult Poe series in Panavision: "I thought the anamorphic lens was better suited to westerns, whereas I was shooting in these contained little sets. But that was a decision made by AIP [American International Pictures]. They were convinced that just using that lens would not only make the pictures look bigger but sound bigger in the ads.".
  • He appeared in two Best Picture Academy Award winners: Kmotr II (1974) and Mlčení jehňátek (1991).
  • Attended Stanford University and Oxford University.
  • As of 2017, during his career as an actor, he has appeared in three films that were nominated for the Best Picture Oscar: Kmotr II (1974), Mlčení jehňátek (1991) and Apollo 13 (1995). With the exception of the latter, the other two films are winners in the category.
  • He has appeared in three films that have been selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant: Kmotr II (1974), Mlčení jehňátek (1991) and Apollo 13 (1995). He has also directed one film that is in the registry: The Fall of the House of Usher (1960).
  • He was the son of Ann and William Corman. His paternal grandparents, Jacob Corman and Bessie Arst, were Russian Jewish immigrants. His maternal grandparents, Jozef/Joseph High/Chajewski and Clara Dolny/Dolney, were Polish (Catholic) immigrants.
  • In Attack of the Bat Monsters (1999), the character Francis Gordon, as played by Fred Ballard, is "noticeably patterned" after him.
  • Attended and graduated from Beverly Hills High School.
  • Society of Operating Cameramen (SOC) Recipient, Governors Award (CAMMY) (2004).
  • Hosted AMC's Monsterfest during the last week of October 1999.
  • Brother of producer Gene Corman.
  • Tribute in the Memory of Film section at the Flanders International Film Festival in Ghent, Belgium. (2001)
  • He made the film The Terror over a weekend using the actors and sets when the film The Raven was completed ahead of schedule.
  • Discusses his movie The Fall of the House of Usher (1960) in the book "A Sci-Fi Swarm and Horror Horde" (McFarland & Co., 2010) by Tom Weaver.
  • Father of Catherine Corman and uncle of Todd Corman.
  • He produced four sci-fi movies with Starfield Independent Studios: Falling Fire (1997), Future Fear (1997), Shepherd (1998), and Cybermaster (1999).
  • Biography in: John Wakeman, editor. "World Film Directors, Volume Two, 1945-1985." Pages 234-242. New York: The H.W. Wilson Company, 1988.
  • Ironically, director James Cameron started his movie career as a set dresser and production designer on many of Corman's low-budget movies, but would later direct several of the most expensive movies of their time, including Terminátor 2: Den zúčtování (1991), Pravdivé lži (1994), Titanic (1997) and Avatar (2009).
  • In 1998, he won the first Producer's Award ever given by the Cannes Film Festival.
  • He made the film The Terror over a weekend using actors and sets from The Raven which had been completed ahead of schedule.
  • Many of Corman's protegés have paid their mentor homage by awarding him cameos in films, such as in The Godfather Part II, The Silence of the Lambs, Apollo 13, and as Demme's 2008 film Rachel Getting Married.
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